Thursday, April 19, 2012

Nothing Much To Say

I just wanna post these pictures. It's late at night and I feel sleepy already. Got these shots during weekend. Nothing to do. So I grabbed my camera and went to our garden Found some wildflowers. Really bad, I don't know their names! But still, I enjoyed taking experimental shots. And I like them!

This photo above is a wildflower.

Same flower in a nostalgic way.

Another flower with a dramatic touch.

I love this shot! This is a sky. But when you look at first time, you will notice that it's look like a globe.

Have to park my laptop and sleep. I can't help it anymore! My eyes starts to ache. hehe Hope you like my photos. It's simple but a lot of words... Nothing Much To Say...


  1. awe what a sweet post .
    Love the pics.really awesome.

    Sleep well.Sweet dreams ;).

  2. Those are truly gorgeous pictures-

  3. Hope you got your rest. The photos are great.

  4. Love your shots .....and I hope you got to go to bed quickly after your posting....I'm headed that way myself ...just wanted to visit a few blogs before going to bed...night night

  5. I wish I traveled more and could take pictures like this. That's awesome

  6. love those clouds in the last shot,
    a globe in the sky.

  7. Lovely pictures. I like taking unusual shots, too. Got some neat shots of fireworks one time.

  8. Love the pictures, especially when you add you own unique twist.

  9. thank you for your visit!!

  10. Amazing pictures:) galing Mo sa photogrAphy

  11. are these flowers from a bamboo tree? it looks similar to that. thanks for the visit, you have very lovely photos :)

  12. nice shots, especially the picture of the sky !!!



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