Sunday, November 7, 2021

Pampering Skin with Rose

When we think of rose, the thing that comes to our mind is bouquet or a long stem rose given by our loved ones. But hey, rose is not just for bouquets and gifts, it has also benefits for our skin.
There are many forms of beauty products with rose ingredient. Moisturizer, serum, cleanser, toner, name it! All can be beneficial to the skin. Benefits of Rose to the Skin: a. As Antioxidant Antioxidants are very good for the skin. It strengthen the skin cells and can help generate skin tissues. It helps neutralize free radicals, providing anti-aging benefits to the skin. b. Hydrates the skin This is great for dry skin and has moisturizing properties that can help soothes itchiness. c. Erases wrinkles It reduces the appearance of wrinkles, with this properties, it help the visible age spots fades on the skin and provides collagen. d. Soothes Redness It has anti-inflammatory benefits. Has soothing effect to redness and irritation. e. Reduces oil It controls the production of oil to face, maintaining the natural balance of pH levels of the skin. With these benefits, I got Luxe Organix Rose Water Soothing Gel.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Sunset... Twilight Color Explained

Sunset. Or others describe it as sundown. Where the Sun disappears below the horizon because the Earth is rotating on its axis.
As explained by ScienceDaily: Scattering affects the color of light coming from the sky, but the details are determined by the wavelength of the light and the size of the particle. The short-wavelength blue and violet are scattered by molecules in the air much more than other colors of the spectrum. This is why blue and violet light reaches our eyes from all directions on a clear day. But because we can't see violet very well, the sky appears blue. Scattering also explains the colors of the sunrise and sunset, Ackerman says. “Because the sun is low on the horizon, sunlight passes through more air at sunset and sunrise than during the day, when the sun is higher in the sky. More atmosphere means more molecules to scatter the violet and blue light away from your eyes. If the path is long enough, all of the blue and violet light scatters out of your line of sight. The other colors continue on their way to your eyes. This is why sunsets are often yellow, orange, and red.” And because red has the longest wavelength of any visible light, the sun is red when it’s on the horizon, where its extremely long path through the atmosphere blocks all other colors.
“Dusk is just an illusion because the sun is either above the horizon or below it. And that means that day and night are linked in a way that few things are there cannot be one without the other yet they cannot exist at the same time. How would it feel I remember wondering to be always together yet forever apart?” ― Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook
I love sunset because of the purplish color across the sky. It calms my soul and mind. Hope you also like Sunsets too.
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