Thursday, January 10, 2008

Take A Look Around

Take a look around you
Is it everything you dreamed?
Is it what you always wanted?
Is is even what you need?

Look at your life and how you live it
Did it turn out as you liked?
Or are you a perfect stranger
Living someone else's life?

Do you see yourself as others do?
Or do you look inside?
Cause if you go by looks alone
Shallowness may be your only guide

Next time you look into the mirror
Look past everything you see
Look deep inside at who you are
And who you want to be

Shadows Of The Past

Shadows of the past fall behind me

Tossed aside on the road less traveled

Before me is the path to my future

Footsteps line my dreams unraveled

In the distance I see what I have lost

Growing darker with the fading sun

The moon calls the stars to join him

For every new light, one wish undone

Past the sky I look toward the heavens

To God this one question I ask

If what I wanted is no longer possible

My future will you please unmask

This is something that I can not answer

It can only be answered inside of you

Past choices will effect your journey

And the pain you put someone else through

Don't give up, stay strong and have faith

Your purpose I'll promise you'll find

The key is to let go of yesterday

Look forward and never behind

I keep walking, careful not to turn

As the sun once again starts to rise

Unclear of tomorrow or the future

But with a faith that is newly energized...

Changing Scenes In My Life

It seems like just last night I had all these friends

From childhood to my teens
Playing tag and ghost in the grave yard

sharing deep moments and sneaking out
Buying toys to real brass

I grew up around things you might never have witnessed
But these things are the things that taught me right from wrong

It shows people who I am and who I will always be
From family to strangers

All these people have taught me from their mistakes

From his hope to his anger
All I know is that through all these tough years

I had an angel near my side
But I want that angel to take their sides

So that through the rest of their lives
They will both have a happy and safe ride

Till it's time for us to say goodbye
From birth to death

From hurt to hate
No matter how hard it is

It's never to late...

Life Paints A Picture

Everyone's life is a picture,
Painted by only one person,

Life itself.
The picture shows everything you're doing,

And everything you have done.
But sometimes, Life gets tired.

And doesn't want to paint a picture.
So, Life sends problems to stop you,

If you give up, your picture is finished.
If you keep going, so does your picture.

So the question is:
How soon do you want to see your picture?

Do you want to see it now?
When it could be so much more?

Or later, when there's so much more than before?
It's your choice,

I'll keep going.

The Faces of Fire

The fire sprints across the plain,

it's breath destroying

all in it's path.


It's red tongue

laps up the brush,

leaving behind only ashes.

Yet miles away,

the fire sits calmly


a cold family's hands.

It is their solace

for all the pain.

The fire burns

in the family's hearts,

angered by their loss.

It dances and leaps,

yet in the end,

always dies.

Which Path Too Take?

I walked through the woods,

and stopped at the two paths in the forest.

Which one should I take?

The path to the right or the path to the left.

I knew I wasn't dammed,

so I asked my God to lead me through

and I choose the one with the most light on the path.

Which was the path to the right and

I set forth on my journey.

I realized the scenery of beauty and calmness,

trees were swaying in the wind.

Birds were singing their fine songs of happiness.

I then walked further and noticed a coyote killing a bird.

I then thought how nature could be cruel at times to survive.

I turned away to realize,

I think God wanted me to know life is beautiful.

But sometimes we suffer or die of cruelty in this world

in order for someone else to survive!
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