Thursday, January 10, 2008

Which Path Too Take?

I walked through the woods,

and stopped at the two paths in the forest.

Which one should I take?

The path to the right or the path to the left.

I knew I wasn't dammed,

so I asked my God to lead me through

and I choose the one with the most light on the path.

Which was the path to the right and

I set forth on my journey.

I realized the scenery of beauty and calmness,

trees were swaying in the wind.

Birds were singing their fine songs of happiness.

I then walked further and noticed a coyote killing a bird.

I then thought how nature could be cruel at times to survive.

I turned away to realize,

I think God wanted me to know life is beautiful.

But sometimes we suffer or die of cruelty in this world

in order for someone else to survive!

Remember When...

Remember when we were so in LOVE?
I do, because you were the one I could trust.

Remember when you would hold me tight?
I do, I didn't want you to let go I wanted it to last all night.

Remember when we use to argue about the stupidest things?
I do, because when you got mad it was the cutest thing!

Remember when our love was so strong?
I do, because i thought nothing could go wrong.

Remember when you said you loved me?
I do, I had a great feeling come to me.

Remember when you said you wouldn't lie?
I do, because when i found out all i did was cry.

Remember when you broke my heart?
I do, because you tore my world apart

Remember when you said if we break-up we can still be friends?
I tried but you thought i wanted you back so we had to end.

I took you for granted, I thought I had you,
But I didn't instead I ended up loosing you.

You treated me wrong after we broke-up,
How could you?, all i ever wanted to do was make up.

This is the last time you'll hear from me,
Well, unless you be a man and apologize so we can agree.

Life's too short we live what we can,
Just remember call me if you need a hand.

I'm lost without you

At first we loved, but not again.

We met at the mall,

and we talked ever since.

We stood starring at each other,

I wondered the time, we'd

Stand together. Holding hands

as we walk down the street,

I wondered when our lips

Would meet.

My heart is broken, u seem

to ignore, The pain I

have, when u left me sore.

Our love was strong In which now your

heart is blind to see, now I feel

that your love has forgotten

completely about me.

Well all in all I'm heartbroken

Without u by my side,

I wish we could love each

other like we did that one time.

The Game Of Love

What we thought was love and happiness?
Is now gone all that's left is to move on.

Say goodbye and walk away.
Take your wounded pride put it aside.

The game of love you have lost.
Your broken heart is the cost.
Count your blessings and pray.

maybe You will win at the game of love one day.
Just learn when to walk away.

Your strong enough to say good bye.

Don't hold back it's okay to cry love hurts sometimes...
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